Dear Brad,

First of all I'd like to thank you for checking out this message. 

  I know you're extremely busy.

So really... 

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter!

On the other hand, I honestly believe this letter may save you a lot of time... and help you...

Make a Ton More Money From The Emails You Send To Your Subscribers At  Voomly!

Sounds like a pretty bold claim. I know.

But I think by the time you're done with this letter, you'll agree my claim may (and probably will) very well be true.

Anyways, here's what this is all about, Brad:

Firstly, In this message, I share some of the results I've produced for my clients over the past year. 

Here I've included 3 short case studies

I chose these three specifically, because I feel out of all the case studies I could have featured... these are the most relevant to your products. 

Also, I didn't include these 3 projects solely based on the amount of money they've made for my clients. 

(Though all of them are very... very profitable. I'll share the exact numbers in a bit.) 

But I picked them also based on the complexity of the task I had to tackle.

(For example, one of these case studies is about me having to sell my client's product... across 10 emails... without ever mentioning the name of the product.)

These projects made me sweat quite a bit.

They forced me to come up with some creative (in part - weird) solutions.

Then, I had to rack my brain to find a way to weave these creative solutions into hard-nosed direct response sales copies. 


If I did my job right, by the time you're done with this letter you'll have a clear idea IF and HOW EXACTLY you can use my skills to boost your profits at Voomly.  

Please don't get me wrong.

I would have shared a few ideas on how I can increase your profits myself

But in order to do that I need to know much more about your current operations.

But then, If I did, I'd come up with a very specific offer.

In doing that, I would also increase my chances of selling you my services... dramatically!

Sadly (for me) I have no way to do that. 

Not at this moment, at least.

This letter, however, I think, is the next best thing.

One final note before I get down to the case studies:

For the past year, I've been 100% focused on product launch email and drip campaigns. 

These emails I wrote from May 2020 - May 2021 have generated over $8,000,000 (and counting) for my clients.  

With that said let me get down to...

The First Case Study!

In May 2020, I was approached by one of the co-founders of Viddyoze, Jamie Garside.

(Viddyoze is the biggest subscription-based video creation platform with over 150,000 paying users. Including the likes of Tesla, Sony and PwC.)

First, I wrote a brief 5-email sequence for them. 

It was promoting their new training called, Fade to Black.

That one, 5-email sequence pulled in enough profits for them to hire me for a larger project.

Much larger, in fact.

Ultimately, I ended up writing each and every single email autoresponder they're now running. 

That came down to about 28 sequences and 96 emails.

Basically, any email you receive after you sign up to any Viddyoze product is written by yours truly.

By the way, from May 2020 - May 2021, Viddyoze has generated close to...

$30M in sales!

Roughly about 15% of those profits came from emails.

 (That's about $5M dollars.)

Here are a couple of the emails responsible for those profits:

Email #1 - Free Subscription Offer

Email #2 - Make $11,000/m with your Viddyoze account

Moving on...

The second project I'd like to talk about here, is the email sequence I wrote for Funnelvio. 

 Funnelvio is a truly next-gen funnel builder.

I love it.

It comes with a never-before seen funnel import feature.

Basically, the way this feature works is you paste the link to the front page of any funnel. 

You click import.

And the editable versions of all the pages of the funnel get downloaded right into your account. 

You can then edit every single element on those pages in a simple drag and drop editor. 

There you can customize each page of the funnel to your own product and brand. 

What's more, you can also... wait. Let me stop right here. 

I feel like I'm selling Funnelvio all over again. 


The automated email sequence I wrote for Funnelvio is now pulling in from...

$25k-$30k Every Single Month!

Now that might not sound too impressive.

But consider this:

This automation is promoting a $77 product that goes for a one-off price. 

Plus, a lot of that money is being generated off of cold email lists!

(People who haven't purchased anything from my client before.)

 But perhaps most important of all is the fact that... minus my fees, that's...

$30,000 in Pure Profit My Client Will Be Putting in His Pocket Every Single Month!

To get these sorts of results, my client didn't have to spend money on ads.

He didn't have to do launches.

He didn't have to pay commissions to affiliates.

In fact, he didn't have to do anything at all... 

Except give me the "green light" to do my job...


Approve my work before I set everything up in Active Campaign.

 Add to this we've got 9 more sequences in the pipeline (including two high-end upsells)...

And he's potentially looking at a...

Pretty Hefty, Hands-Free $1,000,000 Extra Income By The End Of 2021!

(Honestly, it can be double that if they hire an email deliverability expert.)

Here are 2 of the most profitable emails in that sequence:

Email #1: Steal your marketing hero's funnel!

Email #2: Go from ZERO to $10k/m with this simple funnel

These two emails bring in anywhere from $4000 - $6000 every single week... on auto pilot.


Finally... the third project I'd like to mention is... Content Gorilla!

To be completely up-front, I'm probably more proud of this one than anything else I've ever written. 


You see, this project came with...

One Of The Most Challenging Tasks I Ever Had To Tackle! 

I don't know if you remember, but during our call last year I told you about my stint as a marketing director at Front Signs.

I shared the story about this one letter I wrote that landed me that position.

That letter was to get multi-billionaire Anita Annenberg - hire a small sign making company in LA (Front Signs) to produce one of her biggest personal projects - the Walls.

(The letter worked.)

But this one email I wrote for Content Gorilla was harder to put together than that entire campaign!

You see, Content Gorilla was to be sold MOSTLY through emails. 

What made things difficult was...

I Had To Write The Email Sequence Without Mentioning The Name Of The Product! 

Let' me back up a little bit:

 Content Gorilla is a content marketing software.

Great product.

It's also one of the biggest bestsellers on Jvzoo.


Content Gorilla came with one of the craziest upsell offers I've ever seen. 

It went like this:

First, Content Gorilla users were offered to buy White Label Rights to it for $6,000.

Meaning, for $6,000 they could "own" Content Gorilla app, re-brand it as their own product and start selling it.

(Everything's pretty normal so far.)

 But here's where things got REALLY complicated:

In order to prove his users there's a lot of money to be made with White Label products, my client made a mind-blowing promise: 

The promise was that if they picked the White Label Rights at $6,000... 

He would personally bring each one of them $12,000 in sales over a 3 month period! 


Pretty bold promise, don't you agree?  

What made things worse was that 23 people took him up on his offer and purchased White Label Rights for Content Gorilla.

Each of them re-branded Content Gorilla to sell as their own app. 

For example, one of them called it "Content Blaster", another one - "Vidrovert" and so on.

Each had a unique offer. 

Each used different selling points. 

All this meant, we'd need 23 different sequences to bring sales for each one of them!

What's more, those sequences should be automated so that the sales would keep pouring in all the time. 

Then there was the technical aspect.

Who would receive those emails? 

Which segment?

How to segment them?

How to make sure we don't burn the list by offering different versions of basically the same product?

In a word, that was quite a "pain in the butt" situation.

After racking my brain I came up with what seemed like a sensible solution.

It consisted of two parts:

Firstly, in the emails, we wouldn't link to a particular product.

What we'd do instead was use a rotating link.

The way it would work was everyone who'd click on the link would be redirected to one of the 23 sales pages.

This way, we'd be able to control the amount of traffic we sent to each offer.

Secondly, in order to do this...

We'd have to promote those white label products in our emails without mentioning the product name!

But how do you promote a product without mentioning its name? 

And how do you write emails in such a way so they're relevant for each one of the white label products?

This puppy was tuff to crack. 

But I came up with a solution.

I told a story. 

A story that gave subscribers a sensible reason as to why we are not mentioning the name of the product. 

You can read that story I crafted here.

Did it work?

You bet!

In fact, it worked like a charm.

It's helped my client generate...

$276,000 in sales for White Label Customers... In a Span Of Two Months... Without Ever Mentioning The Product Name!


 These were the 3 case studies I wanted to share with you.

 Truth is, Brad, over the past year I've written emails for over 30 different products.

And I thought it would make sense to include some of the most profitable ones here too.

 Here they are:

The Dick Fosbury email

Are you making this $50B mistake? I was too...

The #1 secret to closing a sale

Don't bring your "knife" to a marketing gun fight!

How to build a lifestyle business in 100 clicks

There's a lot more.

However, I believe these emails, will give you a fairly clear idea of what I can do. 

It may be my conceit, but, I also think they're quite fun to read too.

Anyways, this is basically all I wanted to share.

 Of course, if this was a sales letter I would have come up with a clear call to action. :)

But, again, since I don't know if there's any project I could work on at Voomly... I figured I'll just share some of my works... and do it in a way that would also showcase my copywriting skills in action.

Then, I figured, if you'd like what I shared here... you'll reach out to me whenever you have a project that could benefit from my skills.

At least, that's the idea.

Thank you very much for reading this message!

Don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions.


Ari Nersisian

P.S. Pssst...!

Would you like a sneak peek at what may potentially become...

The Gary Halbert Letter of the New Generation? 

Well, then, please check the first issue of new Halbert publication here.

(Written by yours truly)

This first issue should be published next Thursday.

Thank you.

Brad Callen