Private letter To XXXNameXXX]
(ceo of XXXcompanynameXXX)
please read This letter before the page is taken down in:
Dear XXXfirstnameXXX,
I know you're extremely busy so I'd like to start this letter with...
My BOLD Promise To You, XXXfirstnameXXX!
My promise to you is this:
The 5 minutes you'll spend reading this letter may become...
The Best Investment Of 5 Minutes Of Your Time You'll Ever Make!
I know this may sound brash. But hear me out here:
You see, I fervently believe in pre-eminent value.
It's a concept developed by Jay Abraham.
In short, the idea behind it is...
The best way to get ANYTHING from ANYONE is to provide BIG value BEFORE asking something in return.
And since I know, as a CEO of a "XXXcompanynameXXX" your time is your most valuable asset...
I figured it would only be fair, If before I offered you ANYTHING... I spent some time to make sure I provide you something of a value first.
Something that can grow XXXcompanynameXXX faster than almost any other strategy you've tried before.
And that's what I'm set out to do in this letter.
That is...
I want to Provide you REAL Value BEFORE I Offer You Anything At All!
In this letter, I'm going to show you...
How you can use a unique, "crazy" strategy I've developed to...
Generate and close more high-ticket clients for XXXcompanynameXXX...
With less hassle...
Less resistance...
Less sweat...
Faster and easier than you ever imagined possible!
Sounds bold? Perhaps.
But I believe, once you finish reading this letter, you'll agree with me that...
The strategy I'm about to share with you is unique, somewhat bizarre - and yet -
It's So Effective for closing high-ticket Clients For Digital Marketing Agency... It Blows Your Mind!
I call this strategy - OCM (Online Contact Marketing.)
This letter and the email that got you on this page is an OCM too ;)
By the way, you can sell this strategy to your clients (or teach them)... for top prices too!
Without further ado, let the show begin:
Please imagine this:
Your sales rep reaches out via a cold email to XXXcompanynameXXX's target prospect.
But it's not just another "canned" cold email. It's an OCM-powered email which may look like the one I sent you. (With a gif where I scroll through this site.)
Or something like this:

By the way a note on the email above:
My client - Smarketa is an agency that helps 6-figure marketing agencies scale to 7-figures.
They hired me to implement this strategy to get 6-figure agency owners on a call with their rep.
I came up with this "news clipping" idea where we'd create a custom image of each receipient with a headline that speaks to his/her deepest desires.
Did it work? Well, see for yourself:

This is a screenshot straight out of Quickmail dashboard - their soft for cold outreach.
In fact, it worked so well... that in 24 hours, after sending these emails to just 74 prospects, they closed their first $25000 client!
I have many more examples of OCM emails like these.
But for the sake of example this should do.
Now, let's get to...
The Second Part Of The OCM Strategy!
So far, we've grabbed the recipients' attention. We got him interested in what we're saying in the email... thus eliminating No#1 reason people don't respond to outreach emails - they don't read them!
But this is just the first part of the OCM strategy.
Most people when sending out cold email instantly try to sell the prospect on getting on the call with them. Very often that's not a smart idea. Especially if you're selling high-ticket services where it would make more sense to invest more time to pre-sell the prospect on your services before he hops on the call with you.
So, how is OCM different?
You see, with OCM you don't ask for a call.
(At least not in the first email.)
Instead, you provide value first and establish credibility in a non-salesy way. (For example using a site like this, or a video, or any other OCM device.)
Now, imagine instead of asking the prospect to hop on a call with us...
We show them that we've taken the time to create a personal message for him where we explain in great detail how he can, for example, generate more traffic for his site.
Now he's not just curious.
He's charged up by the bold promise!
He can tell FOR SURE, this is not just another run-of-a-mill email promo with a big, fat, hype-y promise...
This is something wholly different.
The click on the link in THIS email may truly turn his entire life around.
So what does our prospect do?
He clicks, of course.
He's now on a page just like this one.
He reads the headline that goes something like this:
"Mr Robinson, You Were Hand-Picked Among 5 Other Elite-7-Figure Business Owners... To Attend a Special, Private Free Consulting Session Where I'll Show You Step-By-Step, How To Scale Your ROI from digital marketing by x2..."
Or something like that.
"The Special, Private Free Coonsulting Session" may be replaced by a webinar.
Or a "discovery call."
Or any other medium that allows you to close the sale.
Then, his eyes fall on the countdown timer:
He realizes this offer is extremely time-limited.
He needs to read the letter and act as fast as possible if he doesn't want to miss out on THIS unique opportunity to scale his biz.
Let me ask you something, XXXfirstnameXXX:
Do you think what our prospect has seen thus far will get him to read the letter? (Which, in essence, is the pitch for your agency services?)
Do you think he will AT THE VERY LEAST check out what the message is all about?
I'm willing to bet my shirt he will.
You see, XXXfirstnameXXX, this technique eliminates the main obstacle to closing a high-ticket sale... which is...
People NOT Reading - Or Listening To - Your Pitch!
In fact, this tactic makes it almost impossible for your prospect NOT to ABSORB your pitch.
It's based entirely on human psychology and hard-nosed, proven direct response principles.
That's why it's so effective in making your subscriber to almost...
Beg You To Pitch Him Your Services!
But wait.
There's one more thing you should have in place for this strategy to fire on all cylinders.
That is...
A persuasive sales copy that will speak to your prospect's deepest desires, wants and needs and provide value at the same time!
But I tell you what:
If you bring that part home too...
By the time the prospect is thru with the message...
He'll be dying to hop on a call with you and get his hands on whichever coaching program you have to offer him!
Can you imagine how many top-value calls you'd be able to book with this technique?
Can You Imagine How many more high-ticket sales you'd be able to close With This?
And more importantly...
How much EASIER it would be to close high-end clients IF they came to you AFTER fully absorbing the pitch...
Clearly, precisely and intelligently, showed them the benefits of signing up to your coaching program?
Let me assure you - with this strategy, closing deals will become a walk in the park for you.
Now, let me get off on a tangent for a second:
You see, this strategy along with some other "crazy strategies" I've developed...
As well as my entire ability to write sales copies that crank out cash for my clients...
Is the result of *direct response sales thinking* (DRST.)
I've been a student of DRST for the last 5 years.
Ever since I started working with Halberts.
In fact, it's this DRST system which allowed Gary Halbert to come up with his famous dollar-bill letter... which pulled in almost $500M in profits...

Moreover, the DRST system is what Gary Halbert considered the most valuable thing he could ever pass on to his sons - Bond and Kevin.
And sure enough, he did.
For example...
Years after Bond used it to hit - and remain on - Amazon's bestseller list - in one of the most competitive categories for YEARS on end.

What's more...
He even got Amazon to promote his book, "The Halbert Copywriting Method" to millions of targeted customers in THEIR subscriber list... FOR FREE.
And guess what?
This is also the same direct response sales thinking system he's been hammering into my head for the last 5 years!
Did he succeed?
I think he did.
(Though, obviously, I still have a ton to learn from him.)
Over the past 5 years, I've used these strategies to bring over $15M in business for digital agencies and other high-ticket service providers.
For example:
If you happened to be in Los Angeles somewhere around September-
December 2019, you’ve likely seen the direct result of my work.
I'm talking about the widely popular, "travelling" exhibition - "The Walls."

Back in 2018, I put together a cold outreach campaign for a small sign-making company in Los Angeles called, Front Signs.
That campaign generated...
Over $3,000,000 in Business!...
...From companies such as Sony, Panasonic, Coca Cola and some other household-name brands.
On top of that...
One of the people we were targeting with this campaign was Anita Annenberg's marketing director.
(Anita Annengerg is the heiress of a multi-billion-dollar - Annenberg family.)
This OCM campaign eventually reached - Anita Annenberg - herself.
And guess what?
Those 2 simple emails + 1 landing page like this...
Made her visit Front Sign's site and... Hire Front Signs to produce and co-promote "The Walls" for them... overlooking dozens of their vendors!
So far, "The Walls" has been seen by 1 million people in person in LA and 5 million online worldwide.
Please don't get me wrong, XXXfirstnameXXX.
I'm not saying all this to brag. But to show you - this stuff does work and it works like crazy!
And here's the main reason I'm writing you, XXXnameXXX.
I'm looking to partner up with 2 more digital marketing agencies to help them generate and close more high-ticket leads with OCM strategies. The goal is to bring $2M for different marketing agencies by the end of 2021 so I can have MORE testimonials... MORE case studies... and basically everything else I may need to build a full-blown agency around OCM businesses.
And I thought, maybe your could be that agency, XXXfirstnameXXX?
If generating high-ticket clients is something you'd be interested in, send me a reply to and we'll take it from there.