Howdy the person who's reviewing Copywriter applications at Wingfire Media.
Thanks for checking out my portfolio.
For your convenience, on this page I've included 4 portfolio works I've written for coaches and coaching businesses. (1 long-form Fb ad for community growth for a coaching company, 1- short form Fb/Insta copy, 1 - email, and 1 - sales letter to book a call) which I feel are the most relevant to your vacancy. I have many more works in my portfolio. But, again, since I know time is of the essence, I only chose the absolute top-performers which... I think will give you a quick idea of whether I may be a good fit.
I apologize I have no way of knowing your name. But I hope, you're having a great day.
You know what I also hope for? That after reviewing the works I've put together on this page your day will get even better!
No, no... I'm not so arrogant as to think the copies I write radiate positivity or something.
I mean this in the sense that after reviewing my works... you may come to conclusion you've found your copywriter... and you won't have to sift through MORE copies. Fingers crossed :)
Again - thanks for checking out my portfolio - here are 4 works I was talking about:
Fb/Insta Ads For Coaching Business

Email To Book a Call With a Coach - 22% open rate; 6% click rate
Subject Line: Work with me (personal)
Over the past 4 months I've generated $2M from digital product launches.
Would you like to get YOUR share of this money?
If so, read on to see if you're eligible. (If you are - this will be the most exciting message you'll read this entire year:)
Hey ,
I noticed you’ve signed up for my new Meetvio training.
Now, I don't know if you had a chance to watch it till the end.
But during that training, I showed you how to squeeze out every last drop of value from your Meetvio account.
However, there, I revealed something else as well.
I announced that...
I'm looking to partner up with 9 one-on-one coaching clients!
And that I'm going to personally help these 9 people create and launch an ultra-profitable digital product business from scratch!
Would you like someone who has made $2M in digital product sales...
Over the past 4 months alone...
Personally ensure you get your own, high-profit digital business as soon as 2 months from now?
If so...
Click here to see how you can apply!
This is an extremely time-sensitive opportunity.
Once the coaching spots are filled, you'll have to wait for another 6 months (minimum)... until I start taking on new students.
Apply now while you can!
Neil Napier
Kyvio, Mailvio, and Launchvio
I Will Personally Help You Launch Your Own Profitable Online Business... In Your Spare Time... In 30 Days Or Less... Even IF Right Now You're Working At A 9-5 Job... Or Your Money Back!
If you'd like to start an online business selling your own digital products...
And making $15k-$20k (and more) a month…
From the comfort of your own home...
Without having to settle for measly affiliate commissions...
And make more in one single week, than you now make in six months (or even an entire year) as an affiliate...
I've got great news for you.
Right here I’m revealing a somewhat weird (but extremely lucrative) opportunity.
This opportunity I'm talking about is both unique AND extremely time-sensitive.
I've never done anything quite like this before.
I never thought I ever would.
But I promise you this:
If you manage to grab this opportunity...
It will change your life...
And your entire financial future...
Faster than you ever dared to imagine...
Just Like It Has For 9 Of My
Subscribers Over The Past 11 Months!
Here's what I mean:
As you probably know, I make ALL my money selling digital products online.
(Both software and info-products.)
As you may also know, over the past eight years, these launches have generated me upwards of 8 million dollars...
Bringing in about $1M a year.
(On average.)
But what you DO NOT know is this:
In the beginning of 2020, I started investing heavily in refining my product launch strategies.
The goal was simple:
Take every bit of knowledge and insight I gained over the past 10 years from launching 74 products…
And put it all down into a simple, step-by-step formula.
The idea was...
This new, refined formula would allow me to make MORE profits from each product launch...
While spending less time and less resources on creating products and launching them.
The result?
By implementing this new formula of mine…
Over the last 4 months alone…
I Sold 2 million Dollars
Worth Of Digital Products!
Meaning, I made as much in the last 4 months as I had in the previous 2 years combined!
But what does it have to do with you?
Well, here’s the thing:
I have decided to take in 9 one-on-one coaching clients and personally help them implement my new, refined product launch strategy… and build their own digital product business…
From scratch…
In minimum time they ever imagined possible!
This is not the first time I’m taking in private coaching clients.
In fact, I do this every year.
Every year I take in 9 one-on-one, private coaching clients.
I personally help each of those 9 people create and launch their own digital products...
And start making 5- and 6- figure profits!
NONE of my previous coaching clients has tasted my new, upgraded, ultra-powerful product launch strategy!
(Because it’s brand new!)
On the other hand…
Even with my older systems for creating and launching digital products...
My students barely ever DID less than $50k on their first launch.
Many made as much as $80k, $100k and even $200k!
(Again - that’s on their FIRST launch!)
Imagine how much they would be making with this NEW system of mine which, on average, produces 300% more results?
Well, in due time, I WILL share this strategy with them.
But only AFTER I help 9, new coaching clients of mine create and launch their digital product…
And subsequently...
Their own profitable digital business...
Using my NEW formula!
(Most of the time ONE successful product launch will make enough money to kick off your entire digital business.)
That way, these 9 people will have a massive edge over everyone else in the industry.
And they will be able to make a small fortune on their first launch...
Without having to worry about any competition whatsoever!
But can you become one of those 9 lucky ones?
I honestly don’t know.
You see, when you become a private coaching student of mine… you have to try really hard NOT to succeed.
I provide you literally every single thing you need to launch a profitable business in less time than you ever imagined possible.
And when I say everything - I mean it:
I train you.
I coach you.
I keep close track of your progress and consult you every step of the way.
I help you create a “hot” product your prospects will be dying to get their hands on!
Or... if you already HAVE a product I show you how to tweak it in a way that shoots its perceived value through the roof!
I help you build the marketing assets you need to successfully sell your product.
I put you in touch with my extensive network of affiliates, JV partners and experts who help you make you first launch a raging success.
In a word...
I share with you every last ounce of insight and resource I've gained from selling 10 million dollars worth of products!
Obviously, I’m not going to share this personal goldmine of mine with anyone…
UNLESS I’m confident, they’re 100% serious and COMMITTED to launching their own digital product business.
That's why...
If you WOULD like me to personally help you create and launch your digital product business...
Using my new, refined formula that has generated $2M over the past 4 months...
Here’s what you should do:
Fill out the application form below.
Be as detailed in your answers as possible.
We will review your application within 24h to see if you qualify for one-on-one coaching.
If you're approved, you will receive an email from me with a link to my personal Calendly page.
There you can book a 30-minute call with me at a time that suits you best.
The purpose of this call is to get to know your situation better.
During our call my goal is to understand...
Where you're at now.
Where you want to be.
And what’s the best way for you personally to get there.
Don’t worry, there’s not going to be some high-pressure sales pitch for my services.
It’s really all about getting to know you better.
If, during the call, you and me BOTH see we’re a good fit for each other, then, we can start building your digital product business together.
The entire application and approval process takes anywhere from 1-3 days.
Meaning 3 days from now (at most), you and me could be working on creating your very own online, “freedom business”!
One more thing:
I hate false scarcity.
But one-on-one coaching takes up a lot of time.
So I really can’t take in more than 9 coaching clients.
And every time I present this offer these 9 spots fill real fast.
So, if you are really interested in having me help you create your “Freedom Business” you better apply right now.
Neil Napier
P.S. As you know I’m a hands-on kind of a marketer.
I make most of my money selling digital products.
Not from teaching how to sell them.
Coaching, on the other hand is my love project.
For me this is more about helping nine of our subscribers achieve raging success online than it is about anything else.
Not going to lie, It also gives a huge boost to my ego.
I could be charging 10 times as much as I do for this one-on-one
coaching program and people would still be happy to pay me.
Since they would recoup their investment many times over on their first launch anyways.
But I try to make it affordable for ANYONE who is serious about launching their own digital business.
So don’t worry I’m not charging an arm and a leg for this.
Apply for one-on-one coaching with me here!
P.P.S. I have a product launch planned for next month.
If you apply now and get approved over the next few days - as a neat little bonus, you’ll get to see (and mirror) everything I do to make maximum profits from that launch.
This will be kind of a hands-on, real-life product launch “crash course” for you.
Trust me, very few marketers ever get to see all the behind-the-scenes stuff that’s going on during the most profitable launches.
I honestly believe once you see it - your greed glands will start firing at full capacity and you will be fueled with all the motivation you could ever need to launch your own product.
And the best part?
Over our coaching sessions...
I’ll personally ensure you channel that motivation in the most productive way possible to build and launch your own ultra-profitable digital product business.